Re: catching up on DASL/WebDAV

On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 12:42:43PM -0700, Jim Whitehead wrote:
> One question we're not likely to address in the WebDAV WG is how to remotely
> perform XML and RDF queries. [...]

> So, the open question is
> how to marshall XML and RDF queries that are executed over a network, either
> in the presence of resources that have DAV properties, or not (ideally the
> protocol should handle both cases).

I think there are two separate questions here... one is about RDF and
one is about XML.  Although RDF can be serialized in XML, the sorts of
queries people are doing today with RDF query languages are over the
abstract graph, not over the XML representation.

For XML documents, and resources that present themselves as XML, one
might reasonably consider using XML Query.

It turns out there are lots of fairly complex things one might
reasonably want to ask about the contents of XML Documents, so
perhaps it's not surprising that XML Query is a rather large
specification.  I wouldn't expect all DAV implementations to support
it, even in XML environments.

So maybe this is an area where technical experimentation is needed
before any standardization is considered.

We could go to the XML Query Working Group and see if there is consensus
on any such technical work; my personal expectation is that they are too
busy right now to focus on such issues, just because of where they are
in their editing cycle, but that this may well change by January.

I can't comment on the RDF aspects.


Liam Quin,
XML Activity Lead, W3C

Liam Quin, W3C XML Activity Lead, liam at,

Received on Monday, 6 October 2003 20:02:14 UTC