FYI: catching up on DASL/WebDAV


Massimo and I just spent a few minutes catching
up on DASL context. It's all world-readable
and logged and all that, but I thought I'd
send you a heads-up in any case.

DASL (WebDAV Query), XML Query, and all that
posted by DanC at 2003-10-06 16:28 (+)

        DanC:  DASL home
        DanC: also: XML Cover pages on DASL
        Massimo: so anyway, the best place to refresh from is definitely
        DanC: and from there the latest ID
        DanC: draft-reschke-webdav-search-05 of October 2003. quite
        recent. expires April 2004, of course.
        DanC: hmm... interactions with RDFQueryTestCases seem few and
        far between
        DanC: hmm... SEARCH method and when to use GET
        DanC: see also discussion
        DanC: "DASL Charter - from the (now closed) working group"
        Massimo: contact info:
        DanC: W3C hosts www-webdav-dasl
        DanC: e.g. recent message on future directions
        DanC:  Future direction for DASL/WebDAV SEARCH Jim Whitehead 29
        Sep 2003
        Massimo: A WebDAV Face-to-Face Interoperability Testing Event
        seems relevant too, concerning DASL support...
        DanC: September 15-16, 2003 Santa Cruz, California

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Monday, 6 October 2003 13:07:31 UTC