Uri <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2002Sep/0047.html> has a suffix; can it be removed?
New style Manifest not found - trying old style.

WebOnt WG: Test Case Editor

Please use this form to create and edit OWL test cases. It is currently restricted to ASCII.

Test feature:

Test issue:

Test number:

To edit an existing test, select it and then press here.

Test author:

Test author (unlisted - first time):

Approval - enter URL of minutes:

Test type:

After selecting the test type, you can intialize a new test with useful boiler plate.

Test Description:

Premise/consistent/inconsistent/illegal file:

Premise/consistent/inconsistent/illegal file:

Please either:

Then please e-mail the zipped test to: Jos De Roo.