RelaxNG Schema for RSS 1.0 Core

Friends, you can find my first stab at a RelaxNG Schema for RSS 1.0 Core at:
 rss.rng -- validates the core with extensible item content 
	models quiet nicely.
 dc.rng -- a working extension of the rss.rng schema that 
	attempts but fails to constrain elements in the
	namespace associated with the dc:prefix .
 test.rss -- an rss instance I tested the above with

Presently, what I'm trying to do with dc.rng is beyond my relanxNG kung-fu 
(or not possible?). I'd like the dc:BAD element in the excerpt from 
test.rss to cause a failure when validated with dc.rng:

  <item rdf:about="">
    <title>Processing Inclusions with XSLT</title>
     Processing document inclusions with general XML tools can be
     problematic. This article proposes a way of preserving inclusion
     information through SAX-based processing.
    <dc:creator>Joseph Reagle</dc:creator>
    <dc:BAD>Joseph Reagle Jr.</dc:BAD> <!-- it'd be nice if dcc.rng choked 
on this -->
    <foo xmlns="">bar</foo>

Received on Wednesday, 18 September 2002 18:25:19 UTC