max's notes on rdf/soap

from Max:
I've looked at the SOAP data model, and it seems to be trickier than I thought.

My first assumption was to map a soap node to an rdf object and a soap
edge as an rdf property. But already this poses two problems:

- a soap edge can either originate at no node, or terminate at no node.
  Can this represented by RDF, perhaps by defining a sort of nil object
  (with a URI ;)?

- a soap edge has an optional label (a QName) and an optional
  position.  I don't know RDF that well, but it seems to me that this
  can either be represented by reifying the rdf property corresponding
  to that soap edge, or by changing the hypothesis and make soap edges
  rdf objects. Which is better?

A general problem seems to map URIs to soap nodes, but I have to look
at it closer, after we make a decision on the questions above.


Received on Tuesday, 19 November 2002 17:15:05 UTC