Re: Jing "conflicting ID-types"

[Moving on to list so others might benefit from my thick skull. <smile/>]

I now have the approriate "ANY" emulated content model for ds:KeyInfo I
believe: jing -i doesn't complain, and the instances generated by xmlgen
look right.

On Wednesday 12 June 2002 10:55 pm, James Clark wrote:
> The error is telling you that in a valid instance an attribute "Id" of
> element "EncryptedKey" from namespace ""
> may or may not be an ID.

I'm not sure that I understand, but this sounds like schema's
non-deterministic content issue? Is Relax finding a pattern that permits an
Id attribute that could be of type ID or something else? If so, I'm not
sure why. I specifically enumerate the the EncryptedTed attributes (Id,
Type, MimeType, and Encoding), my (seemingly) offended anyNames are
specified in a child (ds:KeyInfo) of that element...?

Received on Friday, 14 June 2002 13:10:32 UTC