Namespace ID: urn- Registration Information: Registration version number: Registration date: n/a (today: 2001-07-07) Declared registrant of the namespace: Name: Sean B. Palmer email address: Affiliation: SWAG WG, Semantic Web Agreement Group Declaration of syntactic structure: urn := "urn:" nid ":" namespace ":" path nid := "urn-" n n := number-assigned-by-IANA namespace := *(*[a-z]|*[A-Z]|*[0-9]) path := *urlchar Examples of valid URNs under this scheme include: urn:urn-:anamespace:myid urn:urn-:othernamespace:myterm urn:urn-:oi6790jy:oiniovwi Relevant ancillary documentation: is imported from RFC 2396, . All URNs defined herein conform to:- Moats, R. "URN Syntax", RFC 2141, , May 1997. Identifier uniqueness considerations: The members of the SWAG Working Group are assigned the duty and responsibility of ensuring that URNs following this syntax are never reassigned. To ensure this, they will maintain a registry of assigned URNs, which should be publically available in HTTP space, and linked to from . Identifier persistence considerations: URNs have the requirement that they be persistently bound to one resource. The SWAG WG members are fully aware of the need for URI persistence, and as such, persistence of resources can be guaranteed. Process of identifier assignment: Assignment of this URN scheme is closed to SWAG WG members. Process for identifier resolution: None specified. We reserve the right to specify resolution mechanisms in the future. Conformance with URN Syntax: No special considerations. Validation mechanism: None specified. We may provide these at a later date. Scope: Global. These URNs may be referred to by anyone worldwide, for use in their own applications. We encourage the use of these URNs.