Sci-Fi Channel: The Dominion

Dear System Administrator:

The Sci-Fi Channel is proud to present THE DOMINION, the online resource for
science fiction, fantasy, horror and science fact.  THE DOMINION is also the
official source of information about The Sci-Fi Channel, the cable network
exclusively dedicated to offering classic science fiction TV shows and 
movies, as well as bold original programming.

THE DOMINION will make its official debut on the World Wide Web on March 1,
1995.  If your service would like to create a link to our server, we would
appreciate being listed as both a network television resource and a general
science fiction resource.

"Sci-Fi Channel: THE DOMINION" can be reached at:


Thank you.
Gary Markowitz <>
USA Networks/Sci-Fi Channel

Received on Thursday, 2 March 1995 05:06:14 UTC