Re: Still alive?

On Sun, 21 Mar 2010 04:20:28 +0100, Dorian Taylor (Lists)  
<> wrote:

> On 20-Mar-10, at 8:13 PM, Laurian Gridinoc wrote:
>> Is there any installable Annotea server anymore? hmmm, if I were you I  
>> would build my own Annozilla-like extension (over xpointerlib), that  
>> would follow style and persist the data  
>> in a remote triple store installation like or on a hosted  
>> RDF storage like the Talis platform.
> Not concerned about a working server, I'll just implement the protocol  
> over top of my existing stuff. Will look at #1 thing  
> I want to do is click the little star in FF and have that go to my own  
> back end.

Having implemented an annotation server on top of some other server system  
a decade or so ago, I recall it being pretty easy. If I had a bit of time  
now I guess I could do it with Opera Unite - the hard part isn't the  
server, but the user interaction. I can probably do that with userJS,  
although I am not sure about creating Xpointers (i.e. that would require  
me actually learning new stuff).

If anyone is interested in it as a project I'll happily explain better  
what I am thinking.



Charles McCathieNevile  Opera Software, Standards Group
     je parle français -- hablo español -- jeg lærer norsk       Try Opera:

Received on Monday, 22 March 2010 04:19:53 UTC