Re: updating annotations

In principle it seems to me that you should be able to PUT the updated
annotation information, with the reference to the text as given by a query
that would return the annotation.

As I read the protocol you SHOULD use PUT to update an annotation, only using
POST to have the server create one with new URIs for the annotation and its
body, although this isn't a MUST for some reason I don't understand that
comes out as "implementation magic".



On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, Doug Daniels wrote:

>I'd like to clarify something that the Annotea protocols are unclear on.
> Is it necessary to include the text for an annotation's body in the RDF
>sent to the server to update the annotation?
>Say you just want to update the type of an annotation, but not update the
>text in the body.  If updates require the body of the annotaton, then to
>update the just the type you must
>(1) GET the annotation
>(2) GET the body text from the url embedded in the annotation
>(3) POST the update, complete with the same body text
>However, if including the body in the update RDF was optional, then you
>could skip step 2.  This seems like a useful optimization to me.
>I was going to test an update w/o body information to see if it works on
>, but the server seems to be down.  So does anyone know
>offhand if the update w/o body will work?

Charles McCathieNevile  tel: +61 409 134 136
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Received on Wednesday, 11 December 2002 14:08:23 UTC