Re: Weird Annotea error returned:

"Jim Ley" <>:
> <>
> > Is the following supposed to be RDF/XML?
> Just confirmed that correcting this oversight doesn't change the error
> from the Annotea server.
> has been updated to reflect the
> correct submission.

Okay, with the help of Matthew Wilson, I've corrected that problem (it
needs a PI)

However I now have a new problem:

If I add a Creator  using the 1.1 DC namespace (I wanted two creators, like the RDFIG
CHUMP->Annotea script at  )  Annotea
goes wrong generating a namespace prefix of 1.1  <1.1:Creator > which my
XML tools certainly can't deal with and don't appear to be valid.  If I
use the 1.0 namespace which Annotea uses internally (shouldn't it being
using 1.1 anyway?) it all works okay.

At a guess Annotea generates the namespace from the uri, which then goes
wrong 'cos of the numbers.

On a side note, here's a gentle reminder about the "application/xml+rdf"
content type bug losing the + when returning it.

(all of this is to do with Storing EARL in Annotea once again, this time
from an IRC bot - which means I also have an IRC client for Annotations.)



Received on Monday, 18 February 2002 14:43:08 UTC