Re: Thirdvoice White Paper

The w3c often organizes workshops about web-related technologies.  The
IETF did a BOF on annotation a couple of years ago.  It's unclear that
there would be  enough interest to justify a workshop at this point,
but I could be wrong.  Certainly people interested in a workshop
should speak up.

At a smaller level, we could organize a one-time teleconference for
people interested in annotation to talk about annotation for an hour
or so.

>>>>> "Laurent" == Laurent Denoue <> writes:
    > I also would like this working group recussitates. But it seems
    > some people are still interested by annotation systems.  How
    > could we organize a workshop ?  I propose that interested people
    > post their interest on this list.  Laurent.

| Rolf Nelson (, Project Manager, W3C at MIT
|   "Try to learn something about everything
|             and everything about something."  --Huxley


Received on Monday, 24 May 1999 11:43:42 UTC