Thirdvoice White Paper

Sorry about that last send-- hit Ctrl-E prematurely.

What the ThirdVoice White Paper is missing is a sense of meeting some sort
of standards for annotations. (Not that w3 has offered anything just yet).
They do not seem to anticipate an open client/server model, which would
allow client users to pick whichever servers they want. Currently the
client is stuck with using the ThirdVoice server.

This may be good for a start, but it seems that eventually users,
especially institutional ones, will prefer to run their own servers and
manage their own community.

ThirdVoice WhitePaper--


"And on the eighth day, He found the README file..."

Jon Garfunkel .......................... phone 781-262-4797
Software Engineer ...................... Burlington Office 25/2020E
VPN Advantage .......................... 	https://nes-web/people/jgarfunk
GTE Internetworking /Powered By BBN/ .....................................

Received on Tuesday, 18 May 1999 18:02:30 UTC