Re: Patch for, found erratum on AmayaPage_WX.html 1.37


In your screenshot, the "Show targets" is the third entry of the Views 
menu, while "Shows Links" is the sixth one. I attach a XHTML file to 
demonstrate the target feature and a screenshot that shows several steps 
to create a link. From left to right:

1) Open the XHTML page with Amaya, which contains headers with id's.
2) Enable "Show targets". Red targets are then displayed in front of 
3) Select the "Create a link here" text and open the "create a link" 
dialog (Ctrl l l or in the Link menu)
4) Click on the "Click" button and then on one of the red target. A link 
is created.

Please tell me if you can do that. This is exactly the feature described 
in the "Did you know" section of the start page and in the "Tip of the day".

> hello, readers!
> If my notation is a mistake, development should make a 
> "Views/show target" menu be implemented. 
> What I thought about.
> My Amaya installation from
> I can't found "Views/show target" at my windows 2000. (see my screenshot
> on )
> It seems that the contents of AmayaPage_WX.html 1.37 are 
> explaining how to use old Amaya.
> As much as my noteation is fitted to the present condition. 
> Can't you think like that?
> If my notation is right, the following contents should be corrected, too : 
> line 5104 on base_am_lib.xml Rev1.313;
> <label define="TIP_LINK_TARGET">##jk##
>  <message xml:lang="en">If you enable &quot;Show Targets&quot; in the
> &quot;Views&quot; menu, targets are displayed in formatted view. This is
> convenient for the creation of link: a target can be chosen by clicking on
> it.</message>
> and translations.
> THANKS for reply commets.

Received on Monday, 28 December 2009 13:04:49 UTC