font size calculation

I have a couple of examples of where the current font size is not used
(or miscalculated) in the calculation of box widths .... each situation
causes display problems as the box is made too large for the font ...

situation one:
textbox width is determined by size=# chars
as the width is wrong -- the box is way too big !!

situation two:
navigation bar box size is auto calc by content
since the fontsize is miscalculated, the width is too large
and wrapping is forced .... this has shown up recently

special note ---  just spotted that internal jumps in page
DO NOT update the location bar correctly...

This is not the font size differs from other browsers issue .....
This is really to do with internal calcs based on current font width.....

john russell, niagara, canada -- 
John Russell, VE3LL@COGECO.CA

Received on Saturday, 28 February 2009 12:53:38 UTC