Re: loggin to a php/mysql website throuhg amaya dev browser

Hi neeteex,

> I like the idea of using a 100% W3C AND WYSIWYG editor, but does it allow by
> any chance a "browser mode" to let me loggin to my site so that I can check
> the other pages (not only login form !) ?

The "browser mode" is an enhancement which was already requested
several times (over the mailing list, at least).

Nevertheless, what you are experiencing doesn't seem to have anything
to do with this. Not passing for the login form suggests a server
configuration issue, a design issue in the that specific login form or
even an Amaya issue. Remember that Amaya requires double-click in
links in order to activate them (that's somehow derived to the fact
that it's always in editing mode).

Please consider adding more details such as:
 * Amaya version ("Help"/"About Amaya");
 * Operating system and version;
 * Type of authentication the login form involves (HTTP basic/digest,
cookies, etc.);
 * If possible, a test case so the one can try to figure the problem
out (is it happening in an private site or is it online?).

Hope this helps,
 Helder Magalhães

Received on Monday, 27 April 2009 10:05:07 UTC