Save and save all icons.


I use Amaya 10.0.1 on Mac OS 10.4.9 PPC.

The status of save and save all icons are not reliable when switching  
from one tab to another.

Open a new window with empty HTML save it, open a new window with a  
file from disk, come back to the first one, modify the text, icons  
are hi-lighted, go to the other tab, icons are both shadowed instead  
save shadowed and save all hi-lighted.

Open an HTML file on disk, create a new document in a new tab, type  
some text.
Then the save and save all icons become highlighted.
But clic on the tab of the fisrt HTML file, then save icon becomes  
shadowed (OK) and save all icon becomes also shadowed (?).
Then I modify this fisrt text, both icons become highlighted (OK). I  
clic on the second tab, save then only the save icon becomes shadowed  
(OK). I come back to the fisrt text and save then the save icon  
becomes shadowed (OK). But when I go to the second text the save all  
icom remains highlighted (?).
Is it a wanted behaviour?

BTW, Finder version number displayed "10.0." as writen in Info.plist,  
is it correct? not rather than 10.0.1?

Regards, Pascal.

Received on Sunday, 16 March 2008 18:42:51 UTC