Re: Amaya 9.99 styling bug with legends/fieldset

On Sunday 13 January 2008 22:38, wrote:
> The following example demos how you can apply a styling
> rule to a legend element and have its effect show up
> even though the document does not contain a legend element
> it appears that the style is inherited by fieldset and a false
> spacing is given to a pseudo legend...... very strange bug this is
> /

In the spec it's said  "The LEGEND element allows authors to assign a caption 
to a FIELDSET. The legend improves accessibility when the FIELDSET is 
rendered non-visually."
That explains why Amaya proposes by default. It suggest you to give a legend.

Irène Vatton @ INRIA Rhône-Alpes

Received on Friday, 8 February 2008 10:19:05 UTC