Amaya 10.1 and programming comments

Amaya 10.1 still has problems because it tries to 
interpret within css comments ..... 
It does follow the rec for html comments (no interpretation)
so it should also follow the rec for css .....
demo code follows 
<?xml version="1.1" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<html xml:lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/>
<style type="text/css">body {background:#ccc; /* one & two */ </style>
<!-- this is A ONE & A TWO comment -->
<h2>HTML 4.01 rec 3.2.4 on Comments</h2>
<p>Information that appears between comments has no special meaning
(e.g., character references are not interpreted as such).
Amaya allows unescaped &amp; correctly in an HTML comment.</p>
<h2>CSS 2 rec 4.1.9 on Comments</h2>
<p>Comments  begin with the characters "/*" and end with the
characters "*/". They may occur anywhere between tokens, and
their contents have no influence on the rendering. Comments may
not be nested. Amaya does try to interpret contents of bracket
which it should not do according to the recommendation.</p>
John Russell, VE3LL@COGECO.CA

Received on Wednesday, 14 May 2008 11:45:15 UTC