Re: 9.99 Tables

Leon Stringer wrote:
> Hi,
> If you create a table in 9.99, how do you get out of it, i.e. to create a paragraph after?
You have to select the whole table (using Esc or clicking the 'table' 
element in the status bar) then select Append (resp. Insert) to add a 
paragraph after (resp. before) the table. The commands Append/Insert are 
also available from the Edit menu.
> Also: the table borders are very faint, it's difficult to see where the cells are.
The attribute 'border' is set to '1' by default in the table form. There 
is an option in the form to increase this value. You can also modify the 
value of this attribut through the Attributes panel.

> Thanks,
> Leon...

Received on Wednesday, 5 December 2007 17:16:49 UTC