More patches


Here are a couple of patches you might find interesting.

warning_fixes.diff contains some trivial fixes for various warnings.

rdf_conf_in_conf.diff does a couple of different things :
-move the call to redland configure from to
-drops the bit setting CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS to either "-g" or "-O2". The
default behaviour is to have "-g -O2" and can be overridden by passing
parameters when calling configure, which is much better I believe.
-drops the use of "-x c" and "-x c++", it works fine without them.

Also, now that the Bookmarks have been dropped, redland is not used
anymore, but only raptor. I have another patch only building and linking
against libraptor, but it also makes lots of other cleanups, so I need
to do a bit more tests...

Should you require any further information, please don't hesitate to
contact me.


Received on Monday, 9 April 2007 16:15:44 UTC