Re: Bug report: Copy and paste under Debian

Hi Irene,

Regarding the bugs with the clipboard in 9.52 under Debian (no control
keys for copy and paste on URL bar, main and source window's clipboard
being separate from the system clipboard used for the URL bar and other
programs), you wrote:

> The Amaya code didn't change, but we moved to the new 2.6.3 wxWidgets version.
> That could explain the problem.

Do you plan to resolve the "separate clipboard" problem?

I found this changelog:

where in the wxGTK section something had apparently been fixed:

  wxClipboard fixes (thanks to Timothée Lecomte).

I was unable to compile the latest CVS with wxWidgets 2.7.1, which is
not surprising.  I was able to compile with wxWidgets 2.6.2.  The result
was somewhat better:

Copy and Paste with the URL bar is fine, with both keyboard and menu
commands.  (However, Cntrl Z undoes the last action in the main window,
not the URL bar.)

The main and source windows behave the same - and rather differently
than with the current release:

Keyboard approaches to copy and paste both work, along with the Menu

Paste is from, and Copy to, a local clipboard available to all tabs and
both main and source views within Amaya.  Copying to this local
clipboard does not affect the system clipboard (used by all other
programs and by the URL bar).

Copy from the URL bar or any other program affects the system clipboard
and overwrites whatever is in Amaya's clipboard.

This is odd, but a lot more useful than the current release, where to
copy something to or from a file  being worked on would require getting
it from or saving it to another file being worked on.  The binary is here:

I am not sure if this is how the Amaya 9.51 behaved.

  - Robin

Received on Friday, 20 October 2006 03:02:06 UTC