html element display in amaya 8.8

Two elements with a similar function have a very poor display
in amaya. These are the iframe and object elements. 
Essentially what is happening is that contents that are larger than the
display box OVERFLOW other areas instead of being contained
and bringing up appropriate scrolling mechanisms. I suspect they 
both need a mechanism to detect when scrollbars are required
and then to display as appropriate....
i just checked and textarea suffers the same way .....
if one adds additional lines to a textbox, the typing area increases
rather than pulling up a scrollbar .....

i am using iframe/object  element to have long tables display
correctly with fixed headers and footers and scrollable body.
the syntax exists in html but i know of no browser that uses
it in this manner.....  head/foot  that is 
so i use object in strict xhtml to do the same   but would
like it to work in amaya     -- 
John Russell, VE3LL@RAC.CA
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   ---- File information -----------
     File:  htmliframe.htm
     Date:  23 Feb 2006, 17:26
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   ---- File information -----------
     File:  htmlobject.htm
     Date:  23 Feb 2006, 17:26
     Size:  1659 bytes.
     Type:  HTML-text
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   ---- File information -----------
     File:  zdirlist.htm
     Date:  2 Mar 2006, 11:23
     Size:  1637 bytes.
     Type:  HTML-text

Received on Thursday, 2 March 2006 16:35:08 UTC