Re: Web editor useless in Poland...

On Wednesday 24 May 2006 16:55, Marcin Szczurowski wrote:
> Dear Sir or Madam,
> i'd like to tell about trouble with Amaya, and problem is diacritics.
> Actually lack of them. Normally Alt+a, +c, +z, +x, +o, +e, +l, +n or +s,
> with Shift combination are used. We get: ą, ć, ż, ź, ó, ę, ł, ń and ś,
> upper case respectively. Only Alt+o works. I tried co configure it but
> without effect.
> I tried it on WinXP Home SP2 only, will try it on Slackware 10 soon. Is
> there any hope to make it work with polish diacritcs? I really liked
> that editor but most of my webpage visitors would like polish language...
> Your sincerely
> Marcin Szczurowski

This problem is now fixed in the CVS version.
Thanks for the feedback.
Irène Vatton                     INRIA Rhône-Alpes
INRIA                               ZIRST
e-mail:       655 avenue de l'Europe
Tel.: +33 4 76 61 53 61             Montbonnot
Fax:  +33 4 76 61 52 07             38334 Saint Ismier Cedex - France

Received on Monday, 19 June 2006 14:49:15 UTC