Bug-report: Impossible to enter some accented characters into amaya 9.51, WinXP


once again it's impossible to enter some accented characters from latin2 into the text area of Amaya under Windows XP. 
This time, only characters with caron (e,s,c,r,z,n,t) and u with a ring above it (see http://www.pemberley.com/janeinfo/latin1.html#latexta for details on these characters).

If I either press a key with such a character or try to compose it (e.g. caron key + r), nothing is inserted (e.g. when trying to edit the startup page of Amaya 'Bienvenu a Am. 9.5'). On the other hand, it's perfectly possible to type these characters into the address bar, copy them and paste them into the page, so there isn't any problem with fonts.

There's perhaps a change to amaya's config files that I must do to enable support for input in my language? 

Thanks! /Jakub Holy

Received on Friday, 16 June 2006 10:05:40 UTC