Re: Amaya 9.3 RC bug: span within a span


>>    By the way, the white spaces have 
>>    also disappeared, but this is an old bug I have reported several
>>    times.
> This is not a bug. See "About White Space Handling" in Help>Characters

Yes, I was wrong (but the first part of my bug report was right: the 
"first" class disappears). It is not a white space removal bug, but I 
would say it is a rendering bug.

1. Write some text:
    <p>one two three four five</p>

2. Select "three" and click the Strong button:
    <p>one two <strong>three</strong> four five</p>

3. Select "one two three" and click the Emphasis button:
    <p>one <em>two </em><strong><em>three</em></strong><em> four</em> 

Amaya displays this paragraph as if the white spaces have been removed. 
I believe it was a bug because I did not check in Firefox.

I attach captures of the example.

But if you remove the strong and em tags (selecting with F2 and 
unchecking the em and strong buttons), then the white spaces do 
disappear. I would say it is a bug, wouldn't I?

Best regards,
Bartolomé Sintes (

Received on Tuesday, 6 December 2005 10:18:04 UTC