Table renders weirdly

Dear Amaya wizards,

I love Amaya, but may have found a bug:

I opened the attached file, test.html, in
Amaya 9.2.2 of Sep 16, 2005 under Windows XP.
Amaya was newly installed, with all default settings.

The second attachment, test.gif, shows how it rendered
for me.

Please notice how the boxes surrounding the table cells
overlap the box surrounding the entire table, on the
right side.

It renders correctly in Netscape 7.2 and MS Internet
Explorer 6.0

If there is something wrong with the HTML file that
these browsers aren't noticing, I would like to know
what it is.

Thanks for your consideration,

     - Rich

Richard C. Pasco, Ph.D.
Software Consultant

Received on Monday, 7 November 2005 09:18:27 UTC