Amaya Mac OS X 9.2.2

Dear Amaya Maintainers,

	there appears to be a problem with Amaya regarding display of valid
XHTML and CSS pages.

The X11 version of Amaya 8.6 does not appear to have such a severe

The problem appears to be to supporting the CSS 'width' and positioning
attributes or similar.

The best way to illustrate this is to cite my <<  >> and the site pages, which get a bad
treatment by this browser.

This is dissappointing as I have been working hard to get these pages
right (CSS/XHTML Strict, etc) and can't believe they do not display so
well in Amaya's latest incarnation.

I would not claim to be the greatest web designer/programmer and I am
sure I have fallen short on many aspects in my design and
implementation of this site but surely not so badly.


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Received on Wednesday, 17 August 2005 07:17:43 UTC