Bug or Wish: CSS attr()

I found out that apparently the CSS attr() function is not supported by Amaya, so that e.g. rules like "h1:before { content: "Chapter " attr(title) } does not work as expected. I did not find any hint if this is a known bug, and in the CSS feature list there is also no entry for attr().

Lutz Bettge
T-Systems International GmbH
Systems Integration
Solution & Service Center Billing
Business Manager International Billing
Oberkasseler Str. 2 - D-53227 Bonn - Germany
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E-Mail: Lutz.Bettge@t-systems.com <mailto:Lutz.Bettge@t-systems.com> 
Internet: http://www.t-systems.com <http://www.t-systems.com/> 
Internet: http://www.t-systems-datos.com <http://www.t-systems.com/> 

Received on Monday, 15 August 2005 10:54:19 UTC