getting math structures into user-read code

Greetings Folks,

I'm new to Amaya, and I have a little problem that I'm hoping someone 
can help me with. I'm trying to use the pallet of math structures (e.g., 
radicals, matrices, structures for superscripts and subscripts), but 
whenever I put one of these into the code, it doesn't show up in the 
reader-used text. I've tried everything I could think of; nothing works. 
Here is the sequence of commands I'm using:

New XHTML1.1 document
Open (in a dialog box)
"Math" button in pallet
Radical sign (or other structure)
Type in arguments
Save As HTML or XML

Can someone tell me where I have gone wrong?



Received on Wednesday, 2 March 2005 16:42:12 UTC