range checking on form attributes

html recommendation 17.11.1  for tab-index states numbers in 
range of   0 to 32767.  Although the recommendation is vague,
it is intended to be INTEGERS in range of...

Amaya 8.7.1  allows negative integers. It also does not allow
the full range of integers allowed by the recommendation. But 
it does trap decimals!!
But there is no feedback when a bad input is trapped!! An
error/help message should be displayed indicating permitted
range... Focus should still be in the input area for correction.

html recommendation 17.11.2 for access-key states a character
value is expected.
Amaya 8.7.1 allows strings of characters to be entered. This should
be trapped and an error/help msg displayed with focus in input area.

Amaya should not allow any docs to be generated that violate the
recommendation!  And Amaya should allow any permitted values
to be entered ( such as upper limit to tab-index even though unlikely
in real docs)!! 

john russell ve3ll@rac.ca [those are L's as in LLAMA]

Received on Monday, 10 January 2005 12:24:26 UTC