Amaya 9.0pre2 WinXP RFE: cursor movement using the keyboard


Moving the cursor using the keyboard could be improved in Amaya 9.0 pre2:
* PageUp and PageDown behaves in a strange way and usually, the cursor is
* Ctrl+Home does not work (it should go to the beginning of the document; in
   Amaya 8.7 it works, but the cursor is lost)
* Ctrl+End does not work (it should go to the end of the document; in Amaya
   8.7 it works, but the cursor is lost)
* Ctrl+Up/Down Arrow does not work (in MS Word it moves the cursor from
   paragraph to paragraph; in Amaya it could move from block element to
   block element)

Best regards,
Bartolomé Sintes

Received on Wednesday, 8 December 2004 22:07:56 UTC