Format of $Date doesn't match documentation

Version: 8.3 and 8.2+
Platform: Windows 2000 and XP

First, thanks for the $Date feature. It really helps with documentation.
However, the documented date format is not what I get. According to the
release notes:

"The format of the inserted date is like this: $Date: 2004/03/05 16:13:05 $"

But on Windows 2000 and Windows XP machines (the only systems I've tried),
the format is this:
$Date: Tuesday 09 March 2004 - 10:39:10$

Is this due to an Amaya setting I've missed? Or the Windows locale? If the
latter, it's not practical to change it for most users. It would be nice, of
course, to be able to set the format, but having the documented format would
help save space.

I'd also like to recommend an second method for setting the modified date.
Allow the user to enclose the $date tags in comments, like so:


Upon updating, the html is like this:

<!--$Date:-->2004/03/05 16:13:05<!--$-->

This way, only the date/time is shown in the document, allowing a cleaner

Charles L Flatt
"Hell is a half-filled auditorium." - Robert Frost

Received on Wednesday, 10 March 2004 03:04:10 UTC