Re: Logo

Hello Steven,

> I really like the 'edit and browse' logo
> and really don't like the standard Amaya cherry/apple tree logo, which is
> too detailed to look good on a small logo; I know it's meant to be a cherry
> or apple tree (though I don't know which) but I can't see it in the tiny
> logo.

I think this logo represents an exotic tree (for european people) called 
We are thinking about a new Welcome Page for Amaya and we'll probably change 
the logo.
> So, why don't you unify the branding of Amaya?
> Proposal: Take the Y of the Amaya 'browse and edit' logo and use it to
> represent a stylised tree. Add a red dot to it, to represent a stylised
> cherry and to maintain logo continuity, and use the result as a new Amaya
> logo. Add the cherry to the 'browse and edit' logo too.

Thank you for this very constructive proposal.



> Best wishes,
> Steven Pemberton

Received on Friday, 21 February 2003 11:03:01 UTC