Amaya 7.2 crash report


Amaya 7.2 (Spanish dialogues) crashes when the Timeline button is cliked. The reason is that the
Spanish translation "Planificación" has an accent. If I change the es-amayamsg file 308th item
from "Planificación" to "Planificacion", Amaya does not crash. But other buttons, like "Graphics"
have accents in their Spanish translation ("Gráficos") and Amaya does not crash when they are
clicked. Can you fix this crash or shall we change the Spanish es-amayamsg file?

By the way, is Timelime or SVG Library or other new 7.X features documented somewhere?

Best regards,
Bartolomé Sintes Marco (

Received on Friday, 21 February 2003 06:17:23 UTC