Re: accesskey, 7.1, win98.

The User Agent Guidelines do cover this as far as I can tell:

  Provide information to the user about current user preferences for input

As far as I can tell this should cover what keys can be used to navigate
around a document.

One approach to doing this would be to implement the CSS
pseduo-elements :before and :after, the property content,
and attr() then a user style sheet rule like

 *[accesskey]:before { content: "<" attr(accesskey) ">" }

would provide a functionality like iCab has for identifying the accesskeys.

There is a similar functionality somewhere in Amaya already, which is used to
put in markers for things like targets and annotations. Adapting / repeating
this would be another possiblity. For accessibility purposes, copying the
annotation mechanism to give access to longdescs would be a way to provide
access to longdesc - another accessibility feature that would be good for

just my thoughts...


On Wed, 29 Jan 2003, Hugh Sasse Staff Elec Eng wrote:

>I have just obtained 7.1 for win98 and it seems much better than the
>6.x I was using before.  Thank you.
>I've a question about access key support.  How does the user of
>Amaya, when using it as a browser rather than editor, determine that
>elements of the current page have accesskey functionality defined,
>and which ones they are?
>I could not find this in the help, and since these are defined by
>page authors they cannot be simply deduced. The help information
>concentrates on how to create the accesskey items and how to make
>use of them once they are known.  To be fair, this is not
>only a problem in Amaya: Mozilla and Internet Explorer both seem to
>be rather quiet about what has been defined.  I could find no
>mention of how one is supposed to discern this information whilst
>reading the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines, so if there is a
>general principle for most browses, I have missed it.
>A similar issue applies to targets.  When the viewing of targets is
>enabled, the round target correctly appears next to links of the
>form <a name="x">x</a>, but as far as I can see there is no visual
>display of what the name or id is, for example when the pointer is
>over the target.  This would be useful when browsing sites to which
>you want to create links; the information on what form the link
>should take would be immediately to hand.
>        Thank you,
>        Hugh

Charles McCathieNevile  tel: +61 409 134 136
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Received on Thursday, 30 January 2003 03:22:24 UTC