Re: Background Color - Gray Only?

Menu "Special" => Preferences => Colors
There it is, the "Color Preferences" dialog.

To the developers and users: This dialog is rather tricky (it has 
usability issues).
Scenario: you want to change the background color. You select the value 
under "Document background color", click "Use palette", click in a 
bright yellow and then "Done" (BTW these palettes must dimiss with Esc).
Upon returning to the page you notice that you now have bright yellow 
text over the same background as before.
You turn back to the "Color Preferences" dialog thinking that you chose 
the wrong button or tha like, but not: you did it right but the outcome 
is wrong.
After a couple times you might notice that the background is changed by 
clicking THE OTHER BUTTON (as when editing pages).
Also, this dialog seems to lack a means to cancel changes.

To the developers: Id' change the beckground color default to the much 
more usual white.
Some people might reject a browser that shows it all in a rather dark 
gray shade. I think there is no a safe lighter gray available.

Juan Lanus

Received on Saturday, 4 January 2003 00:24:27 UTC