three wishes for a new years browser

working amaya 7.1 on a win 98 platform, here is my three wishes

1]bugfix --- open document BROWSE takes me out of amaya and back
to desktop.  at same dialogue if i enter file:/folder/file.htm  i can view
the file .....and other guys  browse for file works ok. is it
a] unique to me -- if so what part of win98 do you use differently from
  other browser writers.  maybe it is something i can reinstall
b] if acting up on other machines as well, is the start of browse point
initiated correctly to 'start in' from shortcut or failing that the root 

2] implementation not completed but should be ---  FLOAT
i think others have this high on their wishlist too!  it would
improve the look for browser users as well as enabling editor
to do wysiwyg on authors efforts.  

3] new gui item wanted -- no rush though.   Ability to set browser 
default fontfamilies from menu...  perhaps where the character set
is done as each charset may need different settings....  
again to coincide with how other browsers do things  //
John Russell, VE3LL@RAC.CA (2 L's as in LLAMA)
check HTML at
check CSS at
check JavaScript at

Received on Tuesday, 24 December 2002 17:00:48 UTC