Crash when editing SVG within XHTML 1.1

I was creating a small section of SVG within XHTML 1.1 in both strucure 
and regular view and when I clicked an item in the SVG tree, I received 
a Debug Error:

[Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library]
Debug Error!
Program: F:\Program Files\Amaya\Windows\bin\amaya.exe
DAMAGE: after Normal block (#140317) at 0x064C7728.
(Press Retry to debug the application)

I then clicked Retry.  My crash catching program started and I told it 
to capture crash details.  Teh captured details were:
  Program: amaya.exe (6, 4, 0, 0)
  Company: W3C INRIA
 Incident: {1528DDB5-52AF-48EC-8B61-83768879FB3B}
          Exception Code: 80000003
         Virtual Address: 00664DDF
  Image Relative Address: 00264DDF

EAX=00000001 EBX=00000000 ECX=77F5166A EDX=01110003
ESI=004D19CD EDI=0012F570
 DS=00000023  ES=00000023  FS=0000003B
 SS=00000023 ESP=0012F210 EBP=0012F220
 CS=0000001B EIP=00664DDF            EFlag=00000246

@EIP=cc 33 c0 85 c0 75 bd 8b 4d fc 83 79 14 03 75

@ESP=0012f570 004d19cd 00000000 064c7708
     0012f2a4 00441310 064c7728 00000001
     0012f570 004d19cd 00000000 0012f25c
     005729fe 0012f2a0 00000000 00000000
I am using Amaya GL 6.4 on Windows XP Home Edition.

Brant Langer Gurganus

Received on Saturday, 2 November 2002 18:12:45 UTC