Re: (newbie) Recompile necessary?


You are right!  Xslt did the trick, thanks for the tip.  I can document a 
program via Amaya, using all it's functionality (color, fonts, hyperlinks, CSS, 
etc), and then only output the embedded source code, and run my program!  With 
Amaya no weave step is necessary.  To show relationships etc, I can even use SVG 
to draw on the embedded source code (though not that easily).

After learning some xslt and compiling a version of PHP with Sablotron's 
(apparently excellent) xslt processor, the extremely simple scripts below were 
all that was needed.

My questions so far are:

1.) How do I stop Amaya from changing the trailing "/>" in the <meta> tag to ">" 
in html docs?  Xslt requires strict xml input, so for empty elements, the 
trailing "/" is always nec before the ">", as in:  <meta 
http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" />.  But every time I save in 
Amaya's Formatted view, it removes that last slash.  When I removed the whole 
line, Amaya re-added it.  When i tried instead adding </meta> after the line, 
Amaya removed it.  My work around is to only save the doc in Source view (but 
Amaya still isn't too happy about it, eg, she'll crash or show "0&@@?" in the 
title bar instead of the doc's title).  The reason I don't simply tell Amaya I'd 
like to save the document as xml is because I could not get <xsl:apply-templates 
select> to select anything when the input doc was saved as xml.  E.g.,
<xsl:template match="/">
    random text
    <xsl:apply-templates select="//span"/>
</xsl:template>     outputs only "random text".  Changing <span> to <pre> or 
<h5> didn't help.  As soon as i saved the input doc as html, however (by 
removing the Amaya-inserted <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <html 
xmlns="">), the select worked fine.  I repeated this 
test to confirm.

2.) Why is Amaya adding text to this line?:
// if (eregi ("<title>(.*)</title>", $line, $out)) {

becomes after saving:

// if (eregi ("</span><title><span class="code">(.*)</span></title> Alot of 
whitespace here <span class="code">", $line, $out)) {

In the doc's header I had a style class named "code" that I renamed to 
"span.code" but it didn't help.  So i simply deleted the line since it was 
unneeded (this time).


File litprog.xsl:
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:output method="text" indent="yes" encoding="UTF-8"/>

<!-- Avoid outputting header: -->
<xsl:template match="/html/head">

<xsl:template match="/html/body">
    <!-- We're only interested in elements of the following type.
         Nothing else is output. -->
    <xsl:apply-templates select="/html/body/pre/span[@class='code']"/>


File litprog.php:
// This script processes the given input file with the given xslt file.
// This script is a mod of
//'s example 1. 8/5/02.

// Allocate a new XSLT processor.
$xh = xslt_create();

// Define files.
$input = '/home/httpd/html/orgtxt/Ideas & Projects/ping_my_domains.php.html';
$transformer = 'litprog.xsl';
$output = 'output.php';

// Process the document.
if( xslt_process( $xh, $input, $transformer, $output )) {
     print "SUCCESS, $input was transformed by $transformer into $output";
     print ", $output has the following contents\n<br>\n";
     print "<pre>\n";
     readfile( $output );
     print "</pre>\n";
} else {
     print "Sorry, $input could not be transformed by $transformer into";
     print "  $output.  The reason is: " . xslt_error($xh) . " and the ";
     print "error code is " . xslt_errno($xh);

These enable what i'd call "semi" literate programming because I can't vary the 
order of the code chunks: they have to be sequential.  I believe I can remove 
that restriction if I find it to be a problem.  Similarly, the mapping from 
literate program to source code file is 1:1, but since Sablotron can handle 
multiple output files, that restriction is probably also surmountable.

I can explain parts of xslt i had to discover by trial and error if there's 
interest.  I'll eventually post more info to my website,

George Herson

daniel lance herrick wrote:
> This is an application for a DSSSL stylesheet or
> an XSLT transformation. If you are writing
> .litprog files that conform to xhtml (or another
> doctype), and amaya intends to make only files
> that parse correctly according to the doctype,
> then either DSSSL or XSLT are the tools for using
> the markup in the source file to produce a derived
> presentation.
> If you write the "to-be-written program" in DSSSL
> the next step would be to add a suffix rule to
> your Makefile, something like
> .litprog.c	:
> 	openjade jade -E5 -G -d to-be-written-program.dsl ${@:.c=.litprog} >${@}
> Then there is no need to change Amaya, the build step run by make will
> run the preprocessor (your to-be-writen-program) to extract the code
> from the .litprog file before running the c compiler to compile it.
> (I suspect XSLT may be a smaller thing to learn than DSSSL, but DSSSL
> is the one I've been working on because I was just handed a few
> megabytes of SGML documents.)
> dan
> On Fri, 2 Aug 2002, George Herson wrote:
>>I'm happily using the Amaya 6.1 rpm.  I haven't gotten into Amaya's guts before 
>>and would prefer not to try now so I want to make sure it's necessary to 
>>recompile Amaya if I want to add some functionality to its Save command.
>> talks about how to "Modify 
>>existing commands" but it refers to files I don't have, such as EDITOR.A and 
>>HTML.A (because I'm using the rpm version i assume).
>>The Save functionality I want to add is to have Amaya save files that have a 
>>special extension (.litprog) in two versions, one as is and the other as plain 
>>text source code. This is to enable literate programming: The plain text source 
>>code file will be created by running at Save time a small, to-be-written program 
>>that can recognize the code chunks in the html document and use the output order 
>>I have defined for them.

Received on Friday, 16 August 2002 13:22:28 UTC