Re: amaya and graphviz-generated svg problems

John Ellson wrote:
> Vincent Quint wrote:
> > By the way, I noticed that the text-anchor attribute is associated
> > with every text element in all the graphs I have checked from your
> > demo page. Amaya now supports inheritance of this attribute. You can
> > consider attaching it to some high level <g> or <svg> element, to
> > produce more compact files.
> Can you help me with a brief example of how to do this, syntactically?

I took the first example from your demo page, removed the text-anchor
attributes from all text elements and put a single one on the first
<g ....> tag. It is displayed exactly the same, but the svg file is
more compact. The modified file is enclosed.


Received on Monday, 25 March 2002 12:39:40 UTC