Amaya 6.0 problems

     Just a couple of quick errors which seem to have continued into
version 6.0 (using xhtml 1.1) -

     1) The source text -
          <pre>&lt;?php ...... &gt;</pre>

     displays correctly, however the source text

          <pre>&lt;?php ...... &gt;

     displays without the final > character!

     2)   The CSS rule -

dl[class=aside]     {
                     margin-left: 2em ;
                     background-color: rgb(224,255,224) ;
                     color: inherit ;
                     border: 1px inset rgb(128,96,96)

     is complained about - with 'class' being an invalid attribute and also
     for 'inherit' being an invalid value for a colour.  This rule
     validated successfully this afternoon with the latest CSS validator 

     Although I updated my GTK+ version tp 2.0.2 earlier this week, the
Amaya GTK version indicates that it cannot load the shared libraries -
although every other application I have seems happy with them.  Is this a
configuration problem??

          I am very grateful that block and inline now work, although I do
look forward to table, etc centring with auto margins.


               Keith Hopper

City Desk
Waikato University
[PGP key available if desired]

Received on Thursday, 25 April 2002 01:45:14 UTC