RE: Form and frames without java

where you have location.href you need top.pagina.location.href
this may not work with the mailto: reference, but that's the best I know
right now, not having tried it myself.

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Stefano Zanelli
Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2002 12:00 PM
Subject: Form and frames without java

 Ciao  All!

I know this is not the correct list, but I hope you will be patient.
Of course I'ld like to receive the replies via e-mail.

The below site has two frames.
Well I'ld like to put a form in the left one and the result of the go button
must be displayed on the right frame.
Some friends of mine told me it's impossible to do it without java.

These are pieces of involved code

============= From here =========================================

In index.html there is the frame definition:

<frameset cols="20%, 80%">
 <frame name="colonna" src="colonna.html" scrolling="no">
 <frame name="pagina" src="firstpage.html" scrolling="yes">

In colonna.html the form definition:
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" summary="choices"
      <form method="get" name="others">
       <select name="choices">
        <option value="">&nbsp;&nbsp;Altro&nbsp;&nbsp;</option>
        <option value="">Scrivici</option>
        <option value="./2000-2001/archivio-foto.html">Le foto</option>
        <option value="./2000-2001/buonumore.html">Relax</option>
        <option value="polish.html">Polisportiva</option>
        <option value="sezione.html">Sezione</option>
        <option value="./2000-2001/volley.html">a.s.00-01</option>
        <option value="./2000-2001/as1999_2000.html">a.s.99-00</option>
        <option value="./2000-2001/link.html">Link</option>
       <input type="button"
        onclick="location.href = document.others.choices
        value="go" name="" />

I'ld like the result will be in the frame-name="pagina"

=== To here ===

Thank you again for your patience.

Ciao.  Stefano             - wmw -

Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2002 09:58:16 UTC