Re: 1) Scroll wheel 2) Arrow keys

Steven Pemberton wrote:

>1) I've just got a computer with a scroll-wheel mouse and I 
>notice that Amaya doesn't work with the scroll wheel. [Win XP]
I have noticed this as well and would like this feature.

>2) An annoyance that I constantly have problems with is the 
>fact that at the end of file, the right arrow key goes back to 
>the first character on the last line.
I have noticed this as well and find it annoying.  There are some 
similar problems with section numbering and pressing left at the 
beginning of the file as noted below.

>Similarly, at the beginning of the file, the left arrow takes 
>you to the end of the first line.
>Or worse. Try it with the Amaya opening screen, and position 
>before the word 'Amaya', and then press [left] repeatedly. Odd 
>3) I personally like it when you are somewhere on the last 
>line, if the [down] arrow takes you to the end of the last 
>line, rather than just staying where you are. (And similarly 
>with beginning of file and [up]).
>Best wishes,
>Steven Pemberton

Received on Thursday, 11 April 2002 17:14:43 UTC