Re: amaya is slow

> Hi,
> amaya 5.2a on my PIII 1GHz (Win98) is REALLY slow when browsing your
> jigsaw page:

It could be due to connection troubles.

> Moreover, the paragraph of class "press-citation" ("Jigsaw 2.0, as
> developed by the ...") looks having blank lines in between lines.

There is a span element that includes all the paragraph content with a 
style attribute with that value 
"text-indent: 20pt; margin-right: 10pt; margin-top: 10pt"
These CSS properties are transmitted to the span content. It's why you
see spaces between lines. I guess Amaya is right here.

> Regards,
> -- Frederic


Received on Tuesday, 6 November 2001 06:20:26 UTC