[Announcement] Amaya 4.3

The Amaya team is proud to announce the Amaya 4.3 release.

  Binaries (Solaris, Linux, Windows NT/2000 /95/98) are available at:

  Source is available at:

This release provides bug fixes and some new features, including:
- The support of MathML 2.0 attributes and the improvement of  math editing.
- Amaya is now able to display some SVG paths.
- Amaya interprets processing instructions with a target of xml-stylesheet (see
- In addition to HTML, XHTML, and MathML, it is now possible to annotate SVG elements.
- Amaya now interprets the new MIME type "application/xhtml+xml".
- Support of access keys and windows shortcuts
- Amaya now provides now a support for word selections.
- Libpng and Zlib were upgraded to the latest versions (1.0.9 and 1.1.3, respectively).

For more details, please read the page

If you're interested by annotations, visit the Annotea project home page:

Received on Wednesday, 28 February 2001 12:24:17 UTC