Re: Printing-problems

Thanks a lot Joerg for your investigation. I know where I have to look at in 
the code now.

It seems that your system doesn't allocate the Global memory. As the code is 
not well
protected, the Amaya print crashed.
Could you check if the following path solves the problem:
line 1629 of picture.c:
	    lpBmpInfo = CreateBitmapInfoStruct(FrRef[frame], imageDesc->PicPixmap);
	    lpBits = (LPBYTE) GlobalAlloc (GMEM_FIXED, lpBmpInfo->
	    if (!lpBits) 
	      WinErrorBox (NULL, TEXT("DrawPicture (2)"));
+           else
+           {
	    if (!GetDIBits (TtDisplay, (HBITMAP) (imageDesc->PicPixmap), 0, 
(UINT)lpBmpInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight, lpBits, lpBmpInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS))
	      WinErrorBox (NULL, TEXT("DrawPicture (3)"));
	    PrintDIB (lpBmpInfo, lpBits, FrRef[frame], TtPrinterDC, x, y, w, h);
               if (GlobalFree (lpBits) != NULL)
                  WinErrorBox (NULL, TEXT("DrawPicture (4)"));
+           }


Received on Thursday, 11 January 2001 09:36:24 UTC