[Amaya] : Unicode Fonts (was Re: Unicode/UTF-8 (was: Problems with Amaya 2.4))

Arial Unicode MS, which comes with Office 2000, includes a complete (I
believe) Unicode font. I assume that it's complete because it includes
polytonic Greek, and polytonic (i.e., ancient) Greek is not exactly a big
market (~10,000 worldwide at most).

The font you're talking about is probably the Palatino version of an
MS/Monotype Unicode font (I don't remember the exact name, but it is
Palatino something Unicode).

I would speculate that MS might add these Unicode fonts to some future
version of the web fonts pack at their typography site
(  http://www.microsoft.com/typography/   ), someday.  Maybe.
Who knows? Just in case, I check every couple of weeks.

P. T. Rourke

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave J Woolley" <DJW@bts.co.uk>
To: <www-amaya@w3.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 8:04 AM
Subject: RE: Unicode/UTF-8 (was: Problems with Amaya 2.4)

> > From: Bertrand.Ibrahim@cui.unige.ch [SMTP:Bertrand.Ibrahim@cui.unige.ch]
> >
> > Dave J Woolley <DJW@bts.co.uk> said:
> > > There are very few Unicode encoded fonts, and I doubt
> > > there are any UTF-8 encoded fonts;
> >
> > You don't need to have a single font cover the whole Unicode space, as
> > long
> > as the software knows which font to use for a given character code.
> > Internet
> > Explorer 5 and Netscape Navigator 4 already handle appropriately
> > that declare a UTF-8 charset.
> >
> But you still need Unicode encoded fonts.  The font that
> covers the most useful maths characters on MS platforms is
> Symbol, which is not Unicode encoded.  Windows NT 4 comes
> with Lucida Sans Unicode, which does have Unicode encoded
> maths symbols, but there is only that one font; it is far
> from a complete Unicode font.
> Presumably for marketing reasons, Windows 9x doesn't include
> this font, although you might be able to get CJK fonts for the
>            browsers
> (LSU doesn't include CJK).
> Office 2000 will reportedly include a nearly complete Unicode
> font, but that is not being offered as a free upgrade, presumably
> again for marketing reasons.
> IE5 can only map fonts by language (really meaning source
> character set) and has no obvious provision for assigning
> a font for maths use (most maths symbols are probably currently
> entered by abusing font selections to select the non-Unicode
> Symbol

Received on Wednesday, 9 February 2000 09:18:48 UTC