Unicode/UTF-8 (was: Problems with Amaya 2.4)

Dave J Woolley <DJW@bts.co.uk> said:
> There are very few Unicode encoded fonts, and I doubt
> there are any UTF-8 encoded fonts;

You don't need to have a single font cover the whole Unicode space, as long
as the software knows which font to use for a given character code. Internet
Explorer 5 and Netscape Navigator 4 already handle appropriately documents
that declare a UTF-8 charset.

Try http://cuisung.unige.ch/prod/TestAlpha.html to test your platform. On
my Sun workstation with X11R6 and Netscape 4.05 or 4.7, I can see the latin,
greek, cyrillic, japanese (both Hiragana and Katakana) and hangul alphabets
plus the math signs. On my Win'98 pc with IE5 and the complete multi-lingual 
support installed, I can see the hebrew, arabic and thai alphabets as well.

As for HTML editors supporting Unicode/UTF-8, Front Page Express generates
correct UTF-8 sequences when you switch to non-latin character sets and
PageCraft generates the correct Unicode values in &#xxxx; entities. PageMill,
Netscape Composer, AOLpress, Adobe GoLive and, for the moment, Amaya don't
seem to support "foreign" alphabets.


Bertrand Ibrahim.

Received on Wednesday, 9 February 2000 07:41:53 UTC