page-breaks when printing


Does amaya's printing/postscript generating engine support
"page-break-before" yet?  (is it planned?) (I'm somewhat inexperienced/
ignorant about web concepts so sorry if this easy...)

I did try several thinks (included below) and searched the w3 web site
and mail archives. I did not see anything specifically say amaya supports this.
I did see a couple of "this is how you do it, but I don't know if any
browsers support it..."

I'm running on Redhat 6.1 Linux. (I did check that netscape 4.7 does not
support it.)  (Maybe someone knowns of an "html2ps" that supports controlling

Thanks for any suggestions,

Things I've tried with amaya:

In the html (various combinations of inclusion of):
 <style> { page-break-before: always } </style>
 <STYLE type="text/css" media="print"> H2 { page-break-before: always } 
 <STYLE type="text/css" media="print"> H2 { page-break-before: 2 } </STYLE>
 <STYLE type="text/css" media="print"> H2 { break-before: page } </STYLE>
<br class=page>

And in the stylesheet 
 <link href="/home/ron/.amaya/amaya.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 {
   page-break-before: auto; /* the default */
   page-break-inside: avoid; /* no page breaks inside... */
   page-break-after: avoid; /* ... or after */
H1, H2 {
   page-break-before: always; /* begin new chapters; overrides previous rule */
   } { page-break-before: always }

@media print {
        H1, H2        { page-break-before: always } { page-break-before: always }

Could someone please help?

Received on Monday, 7 February 2000 10:14:58 UTC